Nottingham’s Progress Towards Carbon Neutrality

Nottingham City Homes has recently published a short video, highlighting some of the important steps it has been taking to improve sustainability and energy efficiency within the city. Amongst others, these include:

  • Using external wall insulation (EWI) and other measures to make homes ‘greener, warmer and cheaper to run’
  • Using EWI to improve the efficiency of 4,000 homes
  • Introducing new Energiesprong-funded low energy homes
  • Installing nearly 13,000 energy-efficient boilers
  • Installing new energy-saving glazing in 14,000 properties
  • Installing solar PV panels to over 3,300 homes
  • Installing PV panels to all new-build properties
  • Moving towards an all-electric vehicle fleet by 2022

Nottingham City Homes is now working with the local council with the aim of making Nottingham the country’s first carbon-neutral city.

The video can be seen here, on Twitter.

Progress to date has been very impressive and SBS is proud to have made its own contribution to it. Over the last four years, working on NCH projects, we have completed more than 1,500 installations of solid wall insulation – on properties ranging from low-rise housing to high-rise blocks. We have also delivered other improvements including replacement doors and windows, internal insulation, heating system upgrades, renewable energy systems and new energy-efficient lighting.

We congratulate Nottingham City Homes on its inspiring efforts and look forward to working together to achieve further improvements in sustainability.