Supply Chains and Partnerships

We recognise the great value and importance of developing productive, sustainable relationships with our supply chain partners. We’re fortunate to have done just that in many UK regions, and it has given
us a key advantage in being able to deliver work efficiently and to the highest standards.

All suppliers undergo an evaluation process; the due diligence necessary to verify their stability, capacity and skills. But once they’ve started, we really invest in those relationships – forging links that are strong, effective
and based on honest, open communication.

Subcontractor Appointment and Management

Delivering best value demands rigorous management processes for procuring subcontractors. Some of the key steps include:

  • Requiring suppliers to complete our ISO9001-accredited PQQ
  • Holding pre-contract interviews to check capabilities, capacity and ability to cope with fluctuating work demands
  • Checking references
  • Monitoring performance at weekly meetings
  • Regular credit checks
  • Regular H&S reports and updates
  • Ongoing assessment and review against KPIs

Supply Chain Expertise

Having good supplier relationships also enhances our collective knowledge-base; our capacity to devise plans and solutions that yield maximum value. That value could manifest in terms of product specification – e.g. designing the most appropriate insulation systems for a particular property archetype – or identifying efficiency savings during installation.

Such relationships enable us to offer solutions with the greatest longevity and/or the lowest full-lifecycle impacts, and they mean that we can agree optimal quantities so as to minimise waste, road-miles and storage costs.

Local Knowledge

Working with good local suppliers also affords access to valuable local knowledge. This is useful when, for example, we want to promote training or supply chain opportunities. Local social enterprises and other stakeholders can play a vital role in disseminating those opportunities, ensuring that the news reaches the people and businesses that might most benefit from it.