BEIS Inspects SHDF Energy Efficiency Project

On Thursday 28th April 2022, SBS staff welcomed representatives of BEIS, TrustMark and other agencies to Vicarage Road in Stramshall near Uttoxeter, to inspect progress on an ongoing energy efficiency retrofit programme.

As we reported in a previous article, SBS has been delivering a variety of works through the Wychavon District Council Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Demonstrator scheme. These include installing multiple energy efficiency measures to a series of occupied bungalows (including those pictured), which are managed by the social housing provider Trent & Dove. Amongst others, examples of the measures include solid wall insulation, loft insulation and replacement doors and windows.

The purpose of the BEIS visit was to gauge how effectively the SHDF Demonstrator scheme is being delivered and to see the physical results of the works, which have all been conducted in accordance with the requirements of PAS 2030:2019/PAS 2035:2019.

As part of the tour, SBS Southern Director Mike Easdon explained how the scheme was being delivered, using Retrofit Assessors and a Retrofit Designer chosen from our established network of certificated providers. He explained how improvements and adaptations were being planned on a property-by-property basis, in line with industry best practice, and noted the importance of technical input from the designer of the external wall insulation systems, PermaRock Products Ltd. This had all contributed to excellent progress on site, with everything proceeding to schedule.

He also noted that feedback from residents has been excellent. One tenant, who lives nearby on Lintake Drive in another recently retro-fitted home, wrote to SBS resident liaison officer Cath Charlesworth to say:

“I would just like to say what a difference the works that have so far been carried out have made to my home. It has far exceeded my expectations. The contractors have been excellent and courteous, Your regular visits, to update us and enquire if there is anything you can do, is much appreciated, and where action is needed, that has been done. Once again, a very big “thank you.” I would be grateful if you would pass on my thanks to everyone involved.”

Also present on the day were representatives of the estate and lettings agent Savills. One of its consultants, Tony Lovelee, reported that the scheme had been attracting widespread praise. He said that the consumer advice organisation Act On Energy had been in regular contact with Trent & Dove tenants over the last few weeks, and that their feedback had been overwhelmingly positive.