Inside Housing: Client Verdict on GHG-funded Scheme

The October 2022 edition of Inside Housing magazine features an article by Rykneld Homes. Titled “On Time and On Target – Green Homes Delivery Success,” it reports on the timely completion of a £12 million, large-scale decarbonisation project funded by the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery (LAD) scheme.

SBS was principal contractor on the multi-phase scheme, which as the article states, was one of the first in the country to be delivered on time, on budget and to the latest industry standards. These included PAS 2030:2017 and, on the more recent phases of the works, PAS 2035:2019/PAS 2030:2019.

The article notes that the project was procured through Efficiency East Midlands and “saw 427 hard-to-heat council-owned homes upgraded with external wall insulation.” Additional works included ventilation upgrades, structural repairs, replacement roofs and windows.

It also reports that the client selected SBS because, over many years, it had developed “considerable experience of managing and delivering energy-efficiency projects, including those involving solid-walled dwellings. It had already delivered three successful phases for Rykneld, all involving hard-to-treat properties.”

The article explains the funding mechanisms, the various property archetypes and some of the key benefits that residents have enjoyed since the EWI systems were installed. It also lists some of the numerous challenges faced by the project team – most notably safety concerns at the height of the Covid pandemic, associated supply chain disruption and the need to complete to a very tight timescale in order to maximise the available funding.

Niall Clark, Director of Property Services and Development at Rykneld Homes explained that EWI was the main focus of the project but that the stakeholder team also used the opportunity to install other measures at the same time. This produced important economies of scale and better overall outcomes for residents.

He also stated: “By working with expert contractors such as SBS, we were able to transform tenants’ homes whilst bringing a substantial boost to the local economy through the Council’s investment.”

The full article can be seen here. (PDF.)

“It’s very good to be referenced in the article,” said SBS Group Commercial Director Gary Lawson. “We have a long-standing relationship with Rykneld Homes – one that’s always been very successful and productive – so the whole team appreciates the recognition, especially when it comes in an industry-leading publication like Inside Housing.

“The article emphasises some important points – particularly how essential early engagement and great communication are when delivering successfully at scale. These are big, high-value schemes, sometimes supported by multiple funding sources, and all needing to be delivered in line with the new PAS standards. Meeting all the associated requirements takes real joined-up thinking on the part of all stakeholders, and I’m pleased to see that message coming out very clearly.”